OVH Community, your new community space.


23.03.08, 01:43
das ist doch dieses ovh check out tool:

22.03.08, 20:43
der oco wird von ovh zb bei clustern verwendet s.h.:

vermutlich auch bei den rps'en, weil sie vom prinzip her ähnlich sind.

22.03.08, 20:33
#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
use strict;
use Socket;
use POSIX 'setsid';
use File::stat;


my $OCO_VERSION="oco-1.15";

my $LOGFILE="/var/log/oco/oco.log";


#get hostname
my $hostname=`/bin/hostname`;
chomp ($hostname);

# use port 79
my $port = 79;
my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');

# create a socket, make it reusable
socket(SERVER, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) or die "socket: $!";
setsockopt(SERVER, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) or die "setsock: $!";

# grab a port on this machine
my $paddr = sockaddr_in($port, INADDR_ANY);

# bind to a port, then listen
bind(SERVER, $paddr) or die "bind: $!";
listen(SERVER, SOMAXCONN) or die "listen: $!";
print localtime(time)." oco server started on port $port\n";

# accepting a connection
my $client_addr;
my ($errormessage, $status, $localip, $myaddr,  $mysockaddr, $answer);
while ($client_addr = accept(CLIENT, SERVER)) {

        #set autoflush to socket
        select((select(CLIENT), $| = 1)[0]);

        #get local IP on which client make connection
        $mysockaddr = getsockname(CLIENT);
  ($port, $myaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($mysockaddr);

        # find out who connected
        my ($client_port, $client_ip) = sockaddr_in($client_addr);
        my $client_ipnum = inet_ntoa($client_ip);
        my $client_host = gethostbyaddr($client_ip, AF_INET);
        if (! defined ($client_host)) { $client_host=$client_ipnum;}

        #get status of machine
        $status=get_status({ errormessage => \$errormessage });

        # set answer
        if ($status >= 300) {
                $answer="$status KO $localip $hostname $OCO_VERSION $errormessage";
        } else {
                $answer="$status OK $localip $hostname $OCO_VERSION $errormessage";

        # don't print logs unless debugging
        #print localtime(time)." oco connection: $client_host:$client_ipnum:$client_port $hostname:$localip:$port answer: $answer\n";
        print CLIENT $answer."\n";

        #read one line
        eval {
                local $SIG{"ALRM"} = sub { die "timeout\n" };
                alarm 1;
                my $ok = ;
                alarm 0;

#       print CLIENT $answer."\n";

        close CLIENT;

sub get_status {
        my $args = shift;

        my $PREFIX="/usr/local/oco/";
        my $CHECK_STATE="result/";

       my ($file, @dirContent, @data, $errormess, $allOK, $errorCode, $isfile);
        $allOK = 1;
        $errormess = "";


        foreach $file (@dirContent){
                if ($file !~ m/^\./) {
                        #check time of file modification, if it is < 15 min.
                        if ((stat($PREFIX.$CHECK_STATE.$file)->mtime)>=(time-(15*60))) {

                                #read content of result file
                                open (FILE, $PREFIX.$CHECK_STATE.$file) || die ("cannot open file".$PREFIX.$CHECK_STATE.$file);
                               close (FILE);

                                #if errorCode >=300 => not OK :(
                                if ($data[0] >= 300) {

                                #if errorCode > 200 => add check to error message
                                if ($data[0] > "200") {

                                #if this errorCode > max errorCode => max errorCode = this errorCode
                                if ($data[0] > $errorCode) {

                        } else {
                                #result file is too old, something is wrong with check, set errorCode to '398'

        #there is no files :( very bad
        if ($isfile==0) {

        #if errorCode=200 => All is OK (we don't need error message)
        if ($errorCode==200){
        } else {


        return $errorCode;



sub daemonize {
        my ($i,$pid);
        print "Launching oco server daemon, logs are in $LOGFILE\n";


        close STDIN;

        if ( !defined( my $pid=fork() )) {
                die "Impossible to fork\n";
        } elsif ($pid >0) {
                #it's dad, byebye.
                exit 0;

        #it's the kid
      #on crée un nouvelle session

        #close stdin (to avoid break when closing terminal)
        open STDIN, "/dev/null";

        #you can redirect all to /dev/null, but you will have no warning in futur
        open STDOUT, ">>$LOGFILE" or die "Unable to open $LOGFILE: $!\n";
        open STDERR, ">&".fileno(STDOUT) or die "Unable to redirect STDERR to STDOUT: $!\n";

22.03.08, 19:37
Poste mal den Inhalt der Datei

22.03.08, 19:27
... weiss wer, was das ist ???

/usr/bin/perl -Tw /usr/local/oco/bin/

macht einen Port auf, so wie ich das sehe ...
